Tag Archives: entrepreneur

larry scheinfeld technology outfit

Technology is the Outfit of the Future

Wearable machines used to be ideas of science fiction. Now, they are a part of daily life. For some, they bring paranoia of “Big Brother” privacy invasions, increased addiction to devices, and disconnection from nature. For others, they enhance daily living for better productivity and

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Rethinking Uber

Once the darling of every mobile urbanite, it’s hard to recall a company that’s endured more bad press and scandal than Uber. Their labor practices are problematic. They’ve long fostered a workplace culture of misogyny. Their business model is questionable. Their leadership is in flux.

Nonprofits Save Using Tech Industry

Larry Scheinfeld: Dear Nonprofits: Tech Can Save You Money

Though a recent article exposed how charities are using their investment portfolios like venture capitalists, many nonprofits are still behind on how to raise money for their foundations. Working on an archaic system of donations, fundraisers, mailers, etc; grassroots nonprofits have had a hard time coming into the